Bio-One of Rochester decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up, Week 7: Thank You to the Thin Gold Line, Bio-One Helps Homeless Man with Vehicle Clean Up, A "Week in the Life" at Bio-One

Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up Week 7 Thin Gold Line Help First Business Second

Bio-One teams across the U.S. answer calls to help their communities and remediate a variety of scenes. In our new blog series, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do for local communities.

Here is Week 7 of our Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up. 

Thank You to the Thin Gold Line

The second week of April is a time to celebrate and thank telecommunications professionals who dedicate their lives to serving the public. Often called the thin gold line, 911 dispatchers are true heroes behind the scenes

Coast to coast, Bio-One teams found fun and unique ways to recognize the Thin Gold Line. 

Bio-One Helps Homeless Man with Vehicle Clean Up

This week, News San Diego reported "Homeless man's story inspires San Diego mom to enlist community's help", featuring Rene Flohr and Nicki Chipp-Flohr, owners of Bio-One. The Bio-One duo spotted a NextDoor post asking for anyone who could help 79 year-old, Les, who had been living out of his vehicle and was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. His vehicle was floor to ceiling full of items, and Bio-One was ready to help clean and disinfect the vehicle so it could be sold or donated. 

In a message to Bio-One owners, Nicki said, "I am very proud of what we are doing to help someone. I thought you’d all appreciate it, since we live the Bio-One motto of #helpfirstbusinesssecond." We couldn't agree more! 

Read the entire story on News San Diego. 

A "Week in the Life" at Bio-One

The Bio-One team in Tuscon, AZ had a busy week with work ranging from COVID-19 disinfections, mold remediations, bird dropping clean up, medical waste disposal, suicide remediation, and more. 

If you've ever wondered what it takes to be a crime and trauma scene cleaner, we recommend read through the Tuscon team's Weekly Wrap-Up! 

Crime and Trauma Scene Cleaners at Bio-One
National Telecommunications Week

The second week of April is a time to celebrate and thank telecommunications professionals who dedicate their lives to serving the public. Often called the thin gold line, 911 dispatchers are true heroes behind the scenes. 

"This week-long event, initially set up in 1981 by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office in California, is a time to celebrate and thank those who dedicate their lives to serving the public. It is a week that should be set aside so everyone can be made aware of their hard work and dedication." - Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International

Bio-One would like to say "Thank You" and join the many police departments and fire stations whom are recognizing 911 dispatchers across the U.S.

It is National Telecommunications Week. Our dispatchers receive the first calls, sends assistance & provide the lifeline for the public and our police officers. They are always there to answer the calls for help. We want to recognize & applaud all their efforts today & everyday.— Maryland Heights PD (@MHPolice) April 12, 2021

To the voices in every officer’s head.... ♥️THANK YOU♥️ to all of the @SarpyCounty911 dispatchers! 2021 National Telecommunications week! #BPD #NationalTelecommunicatorsWeek— BPD Lt. Reed (@BPDLt_Reed) April 12, 2021