Bio-One of Rochester decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

National Thank a Police Officer Day

September 21st is National Thank A Police Officer Day. 

If you know one this, is the perfect time to stop them and tell them how much you appreciate the work they do. If you don't know one, stop one on the street or pop in to a local police station to express your gratitude. 

Men and women who make the decision to serve and protect our communities on a daily basis deserve our gratitude and respect for their service. 

Throughout the year, Bio-One teams show appreciation and support of law enforcement. On 9/21/19, please take extra time to show your gratitude - drop off appreciation bags at the police department, volunteer to bring the department breakfast, thank a police officer, send a note of support, etc.   

Bio-One is proud to back the blue! We support you and all you do for us!